Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lupus and C25K.

The robot and I have recently started a Couch to 5 kilometer program (C25K) and it's been wonderful. That is, on days that my body is up for it. I have lupus. It sucks and comes with a host of undesirable symptoms like fatigue, inflammation, and joint pain. That's just naming a few. A lot of it is based on the weather and precipitation. Which sucks because annoying weather is already enough to discourage me from working out, but to top it all off, physical pain.

I'm out of shape. I can say that out loud. I'm honest about it. After I had my pumpkin I didn't want to leave the house much. I kind of became agoraphobic. I'm trying every day to break it, but on some days it over comes me. Most days I'm stuck to my couch, and that's unfortunate, but it's also taken a tole on my already struggling body. I could stand to lose a few pounds and rid my diet of some things.

Getting healthy has become an extreme goal in this house. For one, we need to always be around for Pumpkin. Making sure we are healthy is something we owe her. She deserves healthy parents. My husband also desires to become a pro-wrestler. I support his goals and I truly believe in his talent. I want to help him in any way possible.

Working out is difficult for me, as I mentioned before. However I really enjoy it. I love the sore the next day, I enjoy the burn during, and I really love the burst of energy that comes with it. Couch 25K has been awesome. I don't feel like a failure with this work out. Its attainable, practicable, and simply put... EASY. The name speaks for itself. Its supposed to get you from your couch to off your ass, and running.

The whole program is 10 weeks long, but by the end you should be able to run for 25 minuets. It starts you off gently. The first week is comprised of 3 active days, and 4 non active. On your active days you walk for 5 minuets, then alternate jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 secs on and off for 20 minuets for a total of 25 minuets. I walk to the park and then start my c25k, then usually continue walking for a while after.
 The breakdown of non/active days is like this Mon - work out, Tue - break, Wed - work out, Thurs - break, Fri - work out, Sat and Sun - break. I actually walk for at least 25 minuets on my break days. It's just something I do, but its obviously not required.

I'm hoping I can stick to it. I am now in week two. I weighed myself last week and I was at 167lbs. I am going to do a weigh in every 3 weeks complete with picture. I'm really excited about getting in shape and healthy. I know given my health issues it will not be easy, but I am determined!

If you are interested in C25K you can check out this link: http://www.c25k.com/
Or check out one of the many free apps available for your iPhone or android.